Monday, April 20, 2009


Today is such a wonderful, beautiful day! It has been about 80 degrees all day which is a record temperature here in Bend!

I slept in a little bit with my Dixie dog laying on my legs under the covers. I had some hot tea and then took little girl out for a 50 minute run. I had on a sweatshirt type top and had to take it off after about 10 minutes...that is very rare for me!

The run was great. It really felt great to be out in the sunshine and warm air. I hardly even noticed when it was time to turn around.

I came over to Ellie and Ethan's later and we played outside for a while. They are so funny! Ellie had on some new sandals that had a sort of heel on them and she kept tripping a little bit but she was determined not to take them off! Ethan took the water hose and squirted himself with it! His face was priceless-happily shocked!!!

Days like today remind me to be happy more....I have so much to be thankful for!!

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