Friday, September 17, 2010

strivin' to be...

I was having a conversation with a friend a few days ago and it got me thinking. The conversation wasn't really that deep or anything...we were just talking. He said he had a friend that "claims" to be Buddhist but she likes to watch Sex and the City. I was like what does that matter. Well you can't be Buddhist if you like materialistic things was his response. I said well maybe she is striving to be a Buddhist. I asked if he thought he was a good person. Yeah of cousre. I said well is gossiping about your friend something a good person would do?? Are you now just "claiming" to be a good person?? I mean, just because you don't always live up to being a good person does that mean you are NEVER a good person?

Now, I don't talk religion with people...everyone believes what they believe and that's fine...I don't really even think the conversation was about religion, actually. OR I should say I took something different from it...striving to be...

It is so easy to get caught up in TRYING to be something that we forget to just be ourselves...we get so worked up trying to be something or do something that we forget to look at the path we are taking to get there. We are so worried abou at being something or reaching some goal that we forget where we are right now. We set a goal to run 100 miles a month that we forget to be excited about the 6 miles we are running every day! Oh poor me I still have soooo many more to go... I will never be a great yeah I am I just ran 6 miles that AWESOME!!

I set goals and try to attain them all the becoming a vegan. I get so wrapped up in the fact that I want a turkey sandwich some days that I forget I haven't eaten meat in a week! I feel so upset with myself that I can't even see the good things I have done. I need to look at it like this...I am striving to be a vegan...I may have weaknesses but that is just for a moment, just for right now...push it aside and move on! Now, I know I can't eat meat AND be a vegan but I can strive to be a vegan and realize that I may not be perfect all the time...starting out...turkey is soooo good! On a side note, I have started imagining feathers being on my sandwich along with the turkey to keep me from eating a big ol' juicy turkey sandwich with mustard and pickles melty gooey cheese...wait wait wait... my friend, I want to be a good person...I am striving to be a good person. I set goals for ME to reach...some, like not gossiping, help with the whole "good person" thing...some, like my mileage when running and being a vegan are just for me to feel better with myself...Now, will I veer off course from time to time? will I make mistakes? Um, YES SIR! Will I take a look at those mistakes, realize them, and then get over them...YES SIR!

I just want to be me...the best me...a happy me! That's what I am Strivin' to be right now...


Paige (The Last Doughnut) said...

Ooh girl! That was one awesome post! It has taken me YEARS, and I do mean YEARS, to realize that who you are at any moment is enough! I spent my entire 20's trying to lose weight and having some goal of a number that I wanted to weigh. I didn't even think about running; I just didn't eat. Then, I would go crazy, eat everything in sight, and be mad at myself for days on end. I think that striving do be happy in the moment is the best way to be. Goals are great, but the journey is even better! Love ya, girl!

Mississhippie said...

Thanks, girl! It is funny how much we try to please others or try to be what we think others want us to long as I am happy (and not hurting anyone else) that is all that matters!
love y'all!