Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Man, we have been having the best weather EVER here in Bend! It has been about 80 degrees everyday and clear skies....a little breeze every now and then will blow (right when you think you are getting HOT!)!!! It is just perfect! This is why I moved to Bend! It takes a while for Summer to get here but when it does you forget all about the long winter!

Winter in Bend isn't too snows a lot but it is actually really sunny all the time. It is perfect for someone who likes to ski or snowboard. I never go to the mountain but I do love to cross country ski. It is fun and a great work out! The only bad thing about winter here is that it JUST LASTS FOREVER! It goes from November (or late October) to June. I am not kidding or exaggerating...last week it was in the 40's and then BAM it turned into 80 degree weather one day!

We have been working on our yard some lately. We did a lot to it last year...we added more turf and a patio and re did the little back porch area with pavers. It cost a boat load but it was worth it!! It looks great! We FINALLY got some new patio furniture, too. I love it! It is bright orange...but in a cute way! Now all I want is a fire pit. Yes, we need a fire pit here in Bend because it usually gets down to the 40's at night in the summer. You always have to take a sweater with you wherever you go! I still love it though!

Marathon training is going pretty good. I feel like I could run the marathon tomorrow but I also feel like it will be really boring! That is my biggest fear actually...I am seriously contemplating switching to the half marathon because I just don't know what in the world I would do with myself or my mind while running 26.2 miles!! I need to start wearing an IPOD I guess!

That's all for now...

ps...yes, we plant Christmas trees in our yards here!!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

for real

So, I know it's been a while. To be honest, I just don't like blogging in the winter. I know it sounds crazy but in the summer I am out and about more...running more, exercising more, eating out more, working more, just all in all out more...enjoying life! I just think more clearly in the summer for some reason (all that fresh air I guess!).

So, I am back because summer is back in BEND!!! I still won't blog all the time but that's alright! It is so funny to blog. I mean, I just write about stuff I do during the day or goals I am working toward...I have to admit that I cannot understand why people would read it BUT then I think about the fact that I read other blogs everyday and I ENJOY it!

Speaking of reading other blogs I have to say that I am going to try to comment on other blogs more AND put up more pictures on mine. I always feel weird when I comment on other blogs. I don't know why...I just assume no one wants to hear my opinion or something??? I don't know...I am going to try to get over that though!

So, I need to catch you up on my life I guess. I am still working with my internet marketing company. It is going pretty good...pays the bills. I also work part time at a small preschool. I LOVE it! It is a very small school which is what I love. I love the owners and my fellow teachers. It is nice to be working with children again. I also am starting to work in the spa/fitness industry. I am working at a veryhigh end spa and fitness club and I LOVE it! I have always been a very goal-oriented person. I also like to help people reach their goals. Whether it is with their website or with their child rearing practices (closely related-NOT!). I figure another aspect of people's lives where I can help is with their fitness and wellness goals. I am trying it out for a while...we will see how it goes!

I love trying new things. I am just the type of person who wants to try to do everything I am interested in. If I like something I try...I stick with childcare! If I don't like something I try like training for a triathlon...I move on! I don't put un-needed pressure on myself to stick through something I don't enjoy. I would rather try something out and see where it takes me rather than never try it and wonder "what if...".

Now, don't confuse my giving up on things with laziness...there are MANY days when I don't wanna go out for a run and I make myself. There are days when I wanna pull my hair out at work...I get through it (with all my hair) and start over the next day. However, if these types of days happen more than days that I am happy doing something...I set up a new goal and leave the old one in the dust! For instance, I didn't like triathlon training so now I am training for a marathon! See how that works?

Alright, I am off to comment on some blogs and eat! I leave you with a picture if me and my sister....she just graduated high school!!